
Trail Mix...


weirds me the fuck out. HAS to be invented by white people. Only white people would drop like $5 on a bag of nuts and shit. I mean the title alone "TRAIL MIX." Oh you mean this shit was on the ground and you were nice enough to pick it up and sell it to me? Oh why thank you. Fuck off and give me some fiery hot funyons. Not really. That sounds ironic doesn't it? FIERY HOT and FUN don't really seem like they'd be associated with each other. Or onions for that matter. Gross. Speaking of green beer what's up with St. Patrick's Day? I'm not really too clear on what Patty did. I assume he got really drunk a lot? All I know is the Irish people were like decimated by the lack of a potato. Pretty fucking picky. When I got to Sesame and they're out of fries I don't just starve. I select another option. It's filed under "sides" Irish people. Jesus Christ on the cross [I miss andrei.] But I guess people do need an excuse to listen to Flogging Molly because otherwise it IS completely unacceptable. No exceptions. Dropkick Murphy's are okay because they're tough as shit and because I stagedived off the HOB when I was like 12 during "Lights Out!" and for that brief moment in time that I was airborn I almost forgot how fucking terrible the Casualities were that night. But only almost.


Anonymous said...

A post definitely worth it.

Irish people(just plain white people if you live in America) are ridiculous and are filed under the "failures of white people" category in my book.

Rhodeoah said...

St.Patrick was the patron saint of Ireland, a big part of christianity, yaddayadda.
March 17th is the day he died.

(aka absolutely nothing important.)